A Photographer & Digital Art Creator capturing masculine sensuality through cinematic portraits.
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Capturing masculine sensuality through cinematic portraits.
2015 年,我開始以「男性」作為拍攝主題,持續至今。或許是企盼打破男性凝視,又或許是想將慾念化為影像,我希望透過鏡頭探索男性的情慾、感性與脆弱,並以電影般的敘事方式、精心調度的場景,使他們化身各種迷人的角色。
2023 年起,我踏入人工智能領域,利用 AI 生成工具,經由文字與想像,創作以男性為主角的「虛擬人像」。
如同有聲電影改變了默片,AI 的興起正在重塑攝影的可能性。
許多人對「AI 攝影」抱持質疑,但我認為它和傳統攝影是不同的創作媒介。
AI 影像創作,則需要創作者的想像力、文字敘述能力和腦海裡的視覺資料庫,供 AI 去理解、融合——它是想像的藝術,是「虛實交融」的嶄新創作方式。
無論是透過鏡頭,還是透過 AI,我始終走在追尋光影的路上——將一張面孔、一瞬霎那、一個地點定格為永恆。
From the moment I held my first digital camera as a teenager, I knew that people would always be my favorite subjects to capture. I photographed family members, classmates, and strangers, and hidden behind the lens, I was given the courage to satisfy my curiosity about human nature and confront my fear of it.
In 2015, I began photographing men as my subjects, a pursuit that continues to this day. Perhaps it was an attempt to challenge the male gaze, or perhaps it was my way of transforming desire into imagery. Through my lens, I seek to explore masculine sensuality, emotion, and vulnerability, shaping each subject into captivating personas through cinematic storytelling and carefully crafted mise-en-scène.
Since 2023, I have ventured into the realm of artificial intelligence, using AI-generative tools to create "virtual portraits" of male subjects—crafted from words and imagination.
Just as talkies revolutionized silent films, the rise of AI is reshaping the possibilities of photography.
Many remain skeptical of "AI photography," yet I see it not as a replacement for traditional photography, but as a different medium of creation.
Traditional photography requires a camera, a subject, and an irreplaceable human connection—a moment of exchange that technology cannot replicate.
AI-generated imagery, on the other hand, demands imagination, narrative precision, and a personal archive of visual references that the AI interprets and reconstructs. It is an art of imagination, a new medium where the real and the unreal intertwine.
Whether through the lens or AI, I continue to walk the path of chasing light and shadow—eternalize a face, a fleeting moment, a place in time.
To me, a portrait is more than a visual record; it is a story waiting to be seen, waiting to be told.

Kat 首本電子寫真書,由模特小熊化身三名不同角色,全裸詮釋《禁錮》、《自愉》兩大情慾篇章,額外收錄《春夢》系列未曝光照片,邀你一起體驗 SM、自慰與性別流動的感官詩篇。
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